Welcome to my haphazardly concepted and poorly executed film festival.  This will be the home of my quarantine (and beyond)  film fever dreams.  At some point and in no particular order I will be writing about the films I am watching during Lockdown (Lockdown includes the COVID-19 quarantine of 2020 and the remainder of my youth). I will twist and contort my emotional reactions to virtusoso works of art and auterur sacks of shit in to a linear "program" in effort to derive some meaning out of all this chaos.  

There isn't a real reason to do this. I am not a critic, and I am a known apologist for droves of pure dreck.  The hope is that the individiual entries, once collected,  will reveal some greater whole.  We will stop keeping score on the day of my death.  If you are reading this now you have automatically been entered in to a lottery to be the one who evalutates the meaning of these sribbles at my funeral, I hope you are not afraid of crowds.